Have you heard about Lands’ End Canvas? Let’s both enter for a chance to win and invite some of our other friends, too. The more we Spread the Word, the more chances we all will get to win up to $1000 each in gift cards.

Okay, update your links and readers – I’ve moved and I’m not coming back! 🙂

I’ll leave this blog here for linking purposes, but remember – everything new will be over at http://lindsaychristensendesign.com/blog!

Yippee! Click the photo below to come on over!!

Just like little Harper is now, we’re on the move!  Well, not us…the blog is!  No more wordpress.com for me!  It’s coming along nicely, and I’m so excited!!

If you’re reading this, sneak a peek over at our new home: lindsaychristensendesign.com/blog!



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I was recently introduced to a lovely French company called Teo Jasmin, who specializes in digital prints on canvas, cushions, and furniture, and I just had to share some of my favorites from their newest collections!  How fun are these products?  I especially love the pink union jack prints – I seem to see them everywhere these days.

201-UnionJackRose_300x430I’ve noticed that, in my personal design preferences, I like a little unexpected quirkiness.  For example, have you met Bob?  He lives on our living room wall:

Bob Marley Wall Decal
It’s Bob Marley, singing into a microphone, if you can’t tell. We always have to explain it – but we still like him!  I think something like this (below) would be right at home in my house!  I actually have that Beatles record…I should find a way to display it.  I also love the settee – and the combination of the traditional lines and the graphic print.  It’s unexpected, in a good way.


And who wouldn’t love to bring a little European memorabilia into their home with some fun throw pillows and prints?  I’ve never been to Europe, but these might make people think I have, ha!


How cute is that Fiat??  I’d drive one if I didn’t have to cart 2 large dogs around…or have a car-seat in my ride.  Four doors are essential for moms, but it’s fun to dream!

This one is a little wild (even for me), but look at that face!!  And he/she is wearing a crown…quirky and adorable.  I’d put it in Harper’s room.  She loves “bops” – her word for dogs.


I have to have this one…gotta love Abbey Road.  And the Beatles.  This image does remind me of the movie “Vanilla Sky,” though…anyone else??


Don’t you just love window shopping?  I left the credit card in the iceblock in the freezer for now, so window shopping helps me satisfy my cravings to be a good American and spend, spend, spend!  Except this company is in France… 🙂

Don’t forget to visit TeoJamin at their website and check out the goods!!  There is lots more to see!  Have a great week!!



What the heck is “LC Decor Studio?”  That’s me!  I know, probably confusing – Lindsay Christensen Interior Design (my interior design services), Likely Design (my blog) & now LC Decor Studio…but I wanted to separate my Etsy store and it’s always fun to have a new name!  Plus I like the “Studio” part for my handmade items on Etsy.

I’ve had a listing up in my shop for a special “e-decorating” package for a while now as a way to purchase a design consultation online, but I’m moving into party decorating packages as well and I’m so excited!  So without further adieu, I am very proud to announce my new set of original cupcake toppers for your party!

These are made using Heather Bailey fabric prints, and if you don’t know Heather Bailey’s work, I suggest following the link to check her stuff out!! She also has a cool blog called “Hello My Name is Heather.”

This listing is for a set of 12 custom cupcake toppers, which can be customized for your special event! The samples shown were created for a baby shower, but they would also look great for a bridal shower, birthday party, or any event that you’d love to add some great pattern to!

These cupcake toppers are backed with a 2.5″ scalloped cardstock circle in 3 different Heather Bailey prints: “Peonies” in red, “Pineapple Brocade” in celery, and “Zag Stripe” in red – my favorite patterns! The 1.5″ center scalloped circle will include your custom details in red, blue and green to match the patterns! Both layers are mounted on small lollipop sticks.

Please send me the 3 details that you’d like on the center circle. For example:
1. Name, initial & gender
2. Name, initial & age
3. Bride’s name, groom’s name, wedding date
4. Any other idea you might have!

If you would like a higher quantity, please let me know and I will create a custom listing for you!

Be on the lookout for more party decor items and accessories soon!  Enjoy!

Note: I’m linking this post to Julia’s Hooked on Fridays post at Hooked on Houses! Go check it out!!

I am always on the lookout for better/quicker/easier/greener ways and products to clean my house with, and I think that I’ve got a pretty great arsenal of “cleaning weapons” that help me get the job done! I always try to go chemical-free if possible, and if I am using some sort of cleaning product, I only use the “green” kind. Here are my weapons of choice!

My biggest pet peeve in my house, and what I spend the most time cleaning (by far!) is definitely my floors. With 2 big dogs that shed and dig, a husband who lives in work boots, and a crawling baby, the floors need to be cleaned every day. Now if they get cleaned every day is a different story, but they could use it daily! We have laminate throughout the house, and linoleum in the kitchen and laundry area, so it’s nice that all the dirt and hair isn’t stuck in the carpet, and when it’s clean, we know it’s clean! But this means a lot of dirt and hair collects, and I’ve found the easiest way to clean all of that up is by a combination of sweeping and vacuuming. I use a regular old broom and dust pan to sweep up the dirt, but this doesn’t work too great for the dog hair. It seems to really blow the hair around, plus sweeping doesn’t work around the area rugs, so after I sweep, I vacuum. And after I vacuum, I steam mop.

Here’s what’s in my arsenal to clean my floors (click on the photos to shop):

We have a Bissell Lift-Off, which has been used within an inch of its life at our house. It cleans our hard floors, rugs, furniture, windowsills, mattresses (yes, I vacuum our mattresses occasionally)…my only complaint is that it is a little heavy to lug out each time I want to clean the floors really quickly. I think I need a lighter “Stick Vac,” but I haven’t done the research yet.

This (above) is my new favorite thing. I ordered it as a late Mother’s Day gift for myself…during HSN’s July sales (always shop there in July!!). It cleans the floors so great, with NO CHEMICALS!! Which is great because Harper is on the move now! My only complaint with this is that the cord is short so I have to switch outlets a few times when cleaning the house.  I highly recommend it for your floors, though!!  Especially because you just throw the pad in the washing machine (it comes with 2) and that’s it!!  And mine also came with some yummy eucalyptus mint fragrance oil for the water…makes the house smell nice and fresh!

So I guess I haven’t realized how many Bissell products we own until now…

The Spot Bot is great for carpets, rugs, upholstery, etc. You push a button and walk away…I use this on our Flor rug in the living room, and on our couch. Well, Glenn cleans the couch more than I do, but this is what we use. I don’t like to use the conventional carpet shampoos that come with it because of the chemicals…most of the time I just use hot water and it works fine. But sometimes you need some kind of detergent, and I like the brand (and have easy access to) “Earth Friendly Products” and I want to try their carpet shampoo in my Spot Bot.

Another brand that I like to use around the house is called “Bright Green.” I pick it up at Safeway when I’m out of town for Harper’s doctor appointments…no Safeways for 70 miles! 🙂 But so far I’ve been happy with the products I’ve tried: the All Purpose Cleaner works great on my furniture for dusting and fingerprints, the Glass Cleaner makes my mirrors sparkly, and (my favorite and most used) the Dish Wash Liquid doesn’t dry out my hands and smells like Lavender. Yep…no dishwasher at Casa Christensen. Unless you consider me the dishwasher…

If I really need to get something good and clean, and in my opinion the strongest chemical cleaners don’t even compare, I go back to using steam with my handheld steam cleaner.

This little baby cleans everything. Soap scum, toilets, hard water stains, baby toys (GREAT for baby stuff with all those little crevices, plastic numbers, etc.!). I use them with my 2nd favorite cleaning tools (2nd to my steam cleaner) – a big ‘ol stack of microfiber cleaning cloths.

I have a stack of these sitting in my laundry room and I use them for everything – almost completely replacing paper towels. I only use paper towels to cook bacon in the microwave now, ha! They come in a pack of 40, and I still haven’t used all of them one time.  I grab one, clean whatever I need to clean – countertops, baby hands or faces, cutting board, coffee table, TV screen, etc., etc., then I throw it in the washing machine to be washed with the next load and I still have a clean stack waiting. AWESOME!

Although I have my handheld Scunci steam cleaner to clean my toilets, sometimes you need a little eucalyptus scent in the bathroom, which is why I love the Method Lil’ Bowl Blu Toilet Bowl Cleaner. It just makes it feel a little more sparkly and to smell better. I like Method brand products – I also use their Naked hand soaps all over my house! But I really need some pretty dispensers for them.

And for laundry, I’ve really been loving Seventh Generation stuff. I buy it from diapers.com when I order my disposable diapers (I do mainly use cloth, though!). I can wash Harper’s stuff in it, as well as ours and it works great! Plus it’s rated for high efficiency machines.  Have I mentioned that I love diapers.com?

Well that’s about it for my “Weapons of Choice” post – if you have any questions about any of it, feel free to leave me a comment for shoot me an e-mail (lindsay [@] lindsaychristensendesign.com).  I love to help fellow greenies (or greenie wannabe’s!) out!  I also really recommend the book “The Complete Organic Pregnancy” even if you’re not pregnant – it has great green tips and it’s an easy read.

How about you?  Do you have any other green tips or green products that you love to use??

Glenn and I love sushi.  We started going out for it when I was in college, and every time Glenn came to visit me he had to go out for sushi!  And we always try to find some when we go out of town.  No fun when I was pregnant, but going out for sushi is still fun even if you can’t eat any!!  Well…no sushi bars in Likely, or anywhere for 100 miles.  Before we moved here, we actually bought a book on making sushi, as well as a nice set, and we haven’t gotten to use any until now!!  We saw they had fresh sushi grade tuna at our local grocery store, so we tracked down all the ingredients (we had to go to 2 different stores for all of the pieces!) and decided to have a sushi lunch the other day!  It was fun…a lot more prep work than we anticipated, but we weren’t in a hurry and we enjoyed the whole process!  Especially eating it!

The mini cookbook that we have is simply called “Sushi” and it’s by Ryuichi Toshii, Brigid Treloar, and Hideo Dekura (find it here).  We bought our sushi set at Cost Plus World Market, and our rice cooker was a wedding gift!  I really won’t go into details on how to make it, we’re not pros (yet, hee hee!) but I had to share the pictures of our yummy lunch!!

1st attempt -- not too shabby!!

We made some Classic Thin Tuna Rolls (Tekkamaki), but we added some avocado. Mmmm…
Sushi chef

Along with some pink lemonade…that’s Japanese, right?? 🙂
Our homemade sushi lunch

Mmm...I wish it was in focus

We’re definitely going to have to do this again soon! Maybe we’ll make a night of it with some friends!!

Just a quick post to show off new pictures from our backyard — and it is coming along!! Well, at least the grass is. It’s a little patchy, but we were able to take the plastic fencing down and we had to mow, and we were pleasantly surprised when it was all cleaned up. I blogged about our progress here if you want to see the original “before” and I took the picture below not even 2 weeks ago!

Growin' grass!

And these pics are from TODAY!!!

East side of yard

West corner of backyard

Looking so green!!

We are finally planting the 3rd section, we kept it bare so the dogs had a little more space, and I really wish it was done because it is finally starting to feel like a backyard…

Last section being planted

And here is what Harper did while I went outside for 2 minutes to take the pictures. 🙂

Mad girl!

Birthday princess!

I can’t believe I’m posting about this, time flies so quickly, but I threw my baby girl’s 1st birthday party last Saturday!! It was so fun, and although she won’t remember the party, I had a great time planning and crafting to put it all together. The theme was based on a party package (a PDF printable that they e-mail to you and you use how you want!) that I bought from happypapers on etsy. It’s the “Cupcake Birthday Set” and I picked it because I loved the colors; pink, green, orange and blue! The set included an invitation, 2 patterns, center box, gift bag, gift tags, a party hat and goodie cone — all for $5 and e-mailed right to you! Although it included invitations, you had to write on theirs, I used their patterns to create one on the computer, which I just printed and mailed!

Harper's Party Invitation

Another theme from the invites was cupcakes, so I jumped at the chance to make our own cupcake toppers, as well as a big cupcake (or mini-cake) for the birthday girl!

The Birthday Girl's Special Cupcake


I made 3 different types of cupcake toppers — “H” toppers, “Harper” toppers, and “1” toppers! And we had chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting, and yellow cupcakes with white frosting. We made Harper’s with yellow and white, to avoid the chocolate stains!

Cupcakes with toppers

I filled the Happy Papers center cone with pink and green Jelly Bellies!

Jelly Bellies

I also used the patterns to create a lot of other decorations, including a month-by-month photo decorations to hang from the dining room chandelier, and a “Happy 1st Birthday Harper!” banner!

Decorated chandelier

Month-by-month photos of Harper

Happy 1st Birthday Harper! Banner

And how cute does the birthday girl look in her tutu?? These are from Fairy Wonderful! I bought 2 and stacked them. They also have an etsy shop.

Just chillin'

The outdoor decorations are my new favorite things — they are the Martha Stewart Pom-Pom kit and you can buy them at a Michael’s craft store or find them online! And yes, they are now hanging in Harper’s room!

Outside on the deck

Isn’t the location gorgeous? It’s my in-law’s guest ranch — Mahogany Ridge Guest Ranch. And yes, you can come vacation here. 🙂

Outside on the deck

On the menu was “Paella” — the quick version from last month’s Cookie magazine. Unfortunately I can’t find the recipe on their website, but it was sure yummy! We also served Tater Tot Casserole, lots of hors d’oeuvres (guacamole, cheese ball, shrimp/cream cheese/salsa, deviled eggs, cantaloupe, baked brie — all thanks to Glenn’s sisters, and both of our moms!), along with Hansen’s sodas and pineapple orange punch! There was a lot of food!!

So much food, that Glenn’s sister’s dog (it was her birthday, too!) partook in the cupcakes!

Happy Birthday, Mischa

Daddy helped Harper blow out her candle…

Daddy helping her blow out the candle

And mommy helped her open her presents!

Opening presents

It was so fun, and Harper got a lot of great gifts! Thank you to everyone who helped make it happen and who was able to share her special day!

Be on the lookout for a tutorial on how I made some of her birthday crafts!

Banner close up

I want to send a shout-out to the ultimate kid’s party stylist, Kim at her super inspirational blog The TomKat Studio! Her ideas and crafts are sooo adorable and were a big inspiration for me for Harper’s party — and she is so sweet to boot!!  Thanks, Kim!!

In my recent post “Busy, busy…LOTS of stuff coming!” I just realized that in my hurry to post it I forgot the most important part!! The video of me spray painting Harper’s changing table and side table! Oops!!

So here it is…me spray painting Harper’s furniture in less than 2 minutes! Because it’s in fast forward. I like how Glenn and Harper go run some errands while I’m working. 🙂

And here is what the finished pieces look like!!

Harper's Room

Harper's Room

Update: I’ve also added the video back to it’s original and intended home here.

I’ve moved! Click here to visit the new blog!


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